ROSLYN MEYER: All About Water
February 28 - March 30, 2013SELECTED WORKS
ROSLYN MEYER: All About Water
Waterstick III (edition of 8)
Roslyn Meyer
ROSLYN MEYER: All About Water
Dazzle of Day (edition of 12)
ROSLYN MEYER: All About Water
Blue Zebra IV (edition of 12)
Janet Culbertson
Jessup Pond
Janet Culbertson
Orwell’s World
Janet Culbertson
Santos Paulos Trees
Janet Culbertson
Vanishing Wetlands
Betsy Stewart
Aquatilis No.9
Betsy Stewart
Aquazoa Triptych No. 1 (large), *SOLD
Betsy Stewart
Biocriticals No.1
Betsy Stewart
Bioverse No.4
Betsy Stewart
Fontis No. 113
Betsy Stewart
Fontis No. 112 *SOLD
Betsy Stewart
Fontis No. 114 *SOLD
Betsy Stewart
Fontis No. 115 *SOLD
Denise Bibro Fine Art, Chelsea, New York announces the exhibition, All About Water, February 28 – March 30, 2013. Five artists, inspired by water, have created works that highlight the multifaceted character of one of the essential components of life. Its character, purpose and powers are felt everyday – directly and indirectly in our lives. We associate water with the best of nature and the worst. It’s elusive, perplexing, healing, and yet at other times most destructive. This exhibition illustrates many interpretations and perceptions of this intrinsically beautiful, sublime, essential and sometimes threatening part of nature.
Janet Culbertson – has dealt with the subject of water and other environmental issues for decades. Her earlier water works primarily focus on physical attributes of water at familiar locations. Culbertson’s more recent works compel the viewer to consider the ramifications of individual and corporate insensitive actions that effect the environment.
Sydney Drum – combines computer generated technology as well as traditional skills of painting to capture nature’s transitory character. Often Drum’s diptychs juxtapose similar locations at different states of circumstance and time.
Roslyn Meyer –archival photography animates the transformative powers of water. Exploring reflective surfaces she investigates the tensions between surface, depth, motion and stillness, the real and the abstract. Meyer’s complex, layered images at once reveal and conceal the nature of the subject.
Robert Steinem – is a contemporary realist. His highly saturated, luminous abstract paintings are micro and macro views of water landscapes. Steinem deftly captures the reflective qualities of water and how light reflects diverse patterns, shadows and forms often creating a new surreal reality.
Betsy Stewart’s – two, two and a half and three dimensional paintings “…use biomorphic forms to examine microscopic, mutually dependent life systems in pond water; giving images a presence; speaks to our fragile position in the cosmos…”