
December 16 - December 16, 2014


Denise Bibro Fine Art celebrates and supports ProjectArt on December 16, 2014. Featuring a One Day Exhibition of Special Works by Students ages 4-17 years old.

ProjectArt is a national solution to the arts education crisis and is a nonprofit based in New York City. ProjectArt addresses the arts education crisis for youth in a highly innovative, collaborative and cost-effective way. Starting in undeserved communities of New York City, and with the ultimate goal of a national roll-out, ProjectArt uses a unique public library-partnerships model to directly bring arts access to youth, provide a channel for youth to express their artistic visions, set goals and display their art in celebrated art galleries, all at no cost to the students. The impact of arts education on every aspect of a youth’s life, from improving academic performance, to curtailing high school dropout rates and imbuing leadership skills, as demonstrated by staggering findings of research institutions such as the National Endowment for the Arts. This program is key to our end-goal of achieving far-reaching impact at a pivotal period in a youth’s development.